Zieglerworld Table Shuffleboard Bowling White Pins – Pinsetter – Rules & Regulation Booklet & Scoring Chart

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases If you’re tired of manually lining up your pins, add our Pinsetter to your game and get a perfect 11¼ x 11¼ x 11¼” triangle in record time! ZieglerWorld’s Pinsetter provides a consistent set-up that will speed up your overall play

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

If you’re tired of manually lining up your pins, add our Pinsetter to your game and get a perfect 11¼ x 11¼ x 11¼” triangle in record time! ZieglerWorld’s Pinsetter provides a consistent set-up that will speed up your overall play time. PINSETTER IS REGULATION SIZE – OTHER MANUFACTURERS MAKE SMALLER PINSETTERS TO SAVE MONEY. This package includes the Pinsetter, 10 White Pins, Erasable Scoresheet, Pen and our Famous Rule Booklet Optional Carrier Bag Available Separately!

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

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